#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Provides a treap module - specifically, the class that describes the overall treap, not the nodes. A treap is a datastructure that's kind of half way between a heap and a binary search tree ''' ## Editor width - you must be at least this tall to enjoy this ride ################################################################ # Appears to be an excellent reference on treaps in java: # http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~weiss/dsaajava/Code/DataStructures # However, I'm not certain the remove method is correct # # Another nice reference on treaps in java: # https://blog.eldslott.org/2009/04/25/treap-implementation-in-java/ # It doesn't seem to mention removals, but it shows rotations nicely # # A pretty complete-looking java implementation of treaps: # http://www.nada.kth.se/~snilsson/public/code/treap/source/Treap.java # It has what looks like a nice remove. However, I wound up using something based on Weiss's code with two additional if's instead. changequote(`/*', `*/') import sys #mport copy import math #mport time #mport functools # actually, it's a little faster with the standard random module than the lcgrng module; although random is a more time # consuming algorithm, it's coded in C. import random as random_module #import lcgrng as random_module PRIORITY_SIZE = 0x7fffffff # this is all "hands off" to a client of the module ifdef(/*pyx*/,cdef )class treap_node(object): '''Hold a single node of a treap''' ifdef(/*pyx*/,/* */cdef public int priority) ifdef(/*pyx*/,/* */cdef public object left) ifdef(/*pyx*/,/* */cdef public object right) ifdef(/*pyx*/,/* */cdef public object key) ifdef(/*pyx*/,/* */cdef public object value) def __init__(self): self.priority = int(random_module.random() * PRIORITY_SIZE) self.key = None self.value = None self.left = None self.right = None ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def check_tree_invariant(self): '''Check the tree invariant''' if self.left is not None: assert self.key > self.left.key assert self.left.check_tree_invariant() if self.right is not None: assert self.key ifdef(/*m4uniq*/,<)ifdef(/*m4dup*/,<=) self.right.key assert self.right.check_tree_invariant() return True ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def check_heap_invariant(self): '''Check the heap invariant''' # I kinda thought it was supposed to be <, but clearly that won't work with random priorities if self.left is not None: assert self.priority <= self.left.priority assert self.left.check_heap_invariant() if self.right is not None: assert self.priority <= self.right.priority assert self.right.check_heap_invariant() return True ifdef(/*pyx*/,c)def check_invariants(self): '''Check the tree and heap invariants''' assert self.check_tree_invariant() assert self.check_heap_invariant() return True ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def insert(self, node, key, value, priority): '''Insert a node - just call the fast version''' return self.pyx_insert(node, key, value, priority) ifdef(/*pyx*/,c)def pyx_insert(self, node, key, value, priority): '''Insert a node - this is the fast version''' # We arbitrarily ditch duplicate values, but I believe we could just save them in a list. # We probably should have a series of classes via a class factory that sets class variables to # distinguish the priority max and whether we store duplicates. if node is None: # adding a node, increasing the treap length by 1 node = treap_node() if priority: node.priority = priority node.key = key node.value = value return (1, node) elif key < node.key: (length_delta, node.left) = self.pyx_insert(node.left, key, value, priority) if node.left.priority < node.priority: node = self.rotate_with_left_child(node) return (length_delta, node) elif key >ifdef(/*m4dup*/,=) node.key: (length_delta, node.right) = self.pyx_insert(node.right, key, value, priority) if node.right.priority < node.priority: node = self.rotate_with_right_child(node) return (length_delta, node) ifdef(/*m4uniq*/,else: # must be equal - replacing a node - does not change the treap length node.key = key node.value = value return (0, node)) ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def remove(self, node, key): '''Remove a node - just call the fast version''' return self.pyx_remove(node, key) ifdef(/*pyx*/,c)def pyx_remove(self, node, key): '''Remove a node - this is the fast version''' found = False if node is not None: if key < node.key: (found, node.left) = self.pyx_remove(node.left, key) elif key > node.key: (found, node.right) = self.pyx_remove(node.right, key) else: # Match found # these two tests for emptiness don't appear to be in http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~weiss/dsaajava/Code/DataStructures if node.left is None: return (True, node.right) if node.right is None: return (True, node.left) if node.left.priority < node.right.priority: node = self.rotate_with_left_child(node) else: node = self.rotate_with_right_child(node) # Continue on down if node is not None: (found, node) = self.pyx_remove(node, key) else: # At a leaf node.left = None return (found, node) ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def remove_min(self, node): '''Remove the lowest node below us''' if not (node is None): if not (node.left is None): (node.left, result) = self.remove_min(node.left) else: # Minimum found return (node.right, (node.key, node.value)) return (node, result) ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def remove_max(self, node): '''Remove the highest node below us''' if not (node is None): if not (node.right is None): (node.right, result) = self.remove_max(node.right) else: # maximum found return (node.left, (node.key, node.value)) return (node, result) ifdef(/*pyx*/,c)def rotate_with_left_child(self, node): # pylint: disable=R0201 # R0201: Cython (Mar 28, 2011) doesn't like decorators on cdef's , so we disable the "method could be a function" warning '''This is a treap thing - rotate to rebalance''' temp = node.left node.left = temp.right temp.right = node node = temp return node ifdef(/*pyx*/,c)def rotate_with_right_child(self, node): # pylint: disable=R0201 # R0201: Cython (Mar 28, 2011) doesn't like decorators on cdef's , so we disable the "method could be a function" warning '''This is a treap thing - rotate to rebalance''' temp = node.right node.right = temp.left temp.left = node node = temp return node ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def detailed_inorder_traversal(self, visit, depth=0, from_left=0): '''Do an inorder traversal - with lots of parameters''' if self.left is not None: self.left.detailed_inorder_traversal(visit, depth + 1, from_left * 2) visit(self, self.key, self.value, depth, from_left) if self.right is not None: self.right.detailed_inorder_traversal(visit, depth + 1, from_left * 2 + 1) ifdef(/*pyx*/,cp)def inorder_traversal(self, visit): '''Do an inorder traversal - without lots of parameters''' if self.left is not None: self.left.inorder_traversal(visit) visit(self.key, self.value) if self.right is not None: self.right.inorder_traversal(visit) def __str__(self): return '%s/%s/%s' % (self.key, self.priority, self.value) #return '%s/%s' % (self.key, self.value) # Each element is stored in a node in a tree, and each node contains an integer and two references, one to the left # subtree and one to the right subtree. # We need to increase the recurision limit to fend off the randomization trolls from causing an over-deep recursion # In practice, this'll be very unlikely, extremely unlikely, unless the client of this package chooses a # small priority_size and saves a large number of values MIN_HEAP_SIZE = 100000 if sys.getrecursionlimit() < MIN_HEAP_SIZE: sys.setrecursionlimit(MIN_HEAP_SIZE) def pad_to(string, length): '''Pad a string to a specified length''' return string + '_' * (length - /*len*/(string) - 1) + ' ' def center(string, field_use_width, field_avail_width): '''Center a string within a given field width''' field_use = (string + '_' * (field_use_width - 1))[:field_use_width - 1] pad_width = (field_avail_width - /*len*/(field_use)) / 2.0 result = ' ' * int(pad_width) + field_use + ' ' * int(math.ceil(pad_width)) return result # this is the public portion class ifdef(/*m4dup*/,dup)treap(object): '''The treap class - or rather, the non-node, treap-proper''' def __init__(self): self.root = None self.length = 0 # __bool__ is the python 3 name of the special method, while __nonzero__ is the python 2 name def __bool__(self): if self.root is None: return False else: return True __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __len__(self): return self.length def __setitem__(self, key, value, priority=None): '''Insert a node in the treap''' if self.root is None: self.root = treap_node() self.root.key = key self.root.value = value if priority: self.root.priority = priority self.length = 1 else: (length_delta, self.root) = self.root.insert(self.root, key, value, priority) assert length_delta in [0, 1] self.length += length_delta insert = __setitem__ def __delitem__(self, key): '''Remove a node from the treap''' if self.root is not None: (found, self.root) = self.root.remove(self.root, key) if found: self.length -= 1 else: raise KeyError else: raise KeyError remove = __delitem__ def remove_min(self): '''Remove the lowest node in the treap''' if self.root is not None: (self.root, result) = self.root.remove_min(self.root) if not (result is None): self.length -= 1 return result else: raise KeyError def remove_max(self): '''Remove the largest node in the treap''' if self.root is not None: (self.root, result) = self.root.remove_max(self.root) if not (result is None): self.length -= 1 return result else: raise KeyError def __getitem__(self, key): '''Look up a node in the treap''' current = self.root while True: if current is None: raise KeyError elif key < current.key: current = current.left elif key > current.key: current = current.right else: # equal return current.value find = __getitem__ def find_min(self): '''Find the lowest node in the treap''' current = self.root if current is None: raise KeyError while current.left is not None: current = current.left return current.key def find_max(self): '''Find the highest node in the treap''' current = self.root if current is None: raise KeyError while current.right is not None: current = current.right return current.key def inorder_traversal(self, visit): '''Perform an inorder traversal of the treap''' if self.root is not None: self.root.inorder_traversal(visit) def detailed_inorder_traversal(self, visit): '''Perform an inorder traversal of the treap, passing a little more detail to the visit function at each step''' if self.root is not None: self.root.detailed_inorder_traversal(visit) def check_tree_invariant(self): '''Check the tree invariant''' if self.root is None: return True else: return self.root.check_tree_invariant() def check_heap_invariant(self): '''Check the heap invariant''' if self.root is None: return True else: return self.root.check_heap_invariant() def depth(self): '''Return the depth of the treap (tree)''' class maxer(object): '''Class facilitates computing the maximum depth of all the treap (tree) branches''' def __init__(self, maximum=-1): self.max = maximum def feed(self, node, key, value, depth, from_left): # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: We need a bunch of arguments '''Check our maximum so far against the current node - updating as needed''' dummy = node dummy = key dummy = value dummy = from_left if depth > self.max: self.max = depth def result(self): '''Return the maximum we've found - plus one for human readability''' return self.max + 1 max_obj = maxer() self.detailed_inorder_traversal(max_obj.feed) return max_obj.result() def _depth_and_field_width(self): '''Compute the depth of the tree and the maximum width within the nodes - for pretty printing''' class maxer(object): '''Class facilitates computing the max depth of the treap (tree) and max width of the nodes''' def __init__(self, maximum=-1): self.depth_max = maximum self.field_width_max = -1 def feed(self, node, key, value, depth, from_left): '''Check our maximums so far against the current node - updating as needed''' # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: We need a bunch of arguments dummy = key dummy = value dummy = from_left if depth > self.depth_max: self.depth_max = depth str_node = str(node) len_key = /*len*/(str_node) if len_key > self.field_width_max: self.field_width_max = len_key def result(self): '''Return the maximums we've computed''' return (self.depth_max + 1, self.field_width_max) max_obj = maxer() self.detailed_inorder_traversal(max_obj.feed) return max_obj.result() def __str__(self): '''Format a treap as a string''' class Desc(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 # R0903: We don't need a lot of public methods '''Build a pretty-print string during a recursive traversal''' def __init__(self, pretree): self.tree = pretree def update(self, node, key, value, depth, from_left): '''Add a node to the tree''' # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: We need a bunch of arguments dummy = key dummy = value self.tree[depth][from_left] = str(node) if self.root is None: # empty output for an empty tree return '' else: pretree = [] depth, field_use_width = self._depth_and_field_width() field_use_width += 1 for level in range(depth): string = '_' * (field_use_width - 1) pretree.append([string] * 2 ** level) desc = Desc(pretree) self.root.detailed_inorder_traversal(desc.update) result = [] widest = 2 ** (depth - 1) * field_use_width for level in range(depth): two_level = 2 ** level field_avail_width = widest / two_level string = ''.join([center(x, field_use_width, field_avail_width) for x in desc.tree[level]]) # this really isn't useful for more than dozen values or so, and that without priorities printed result.append(('%2d ' % level) + string) return '\n'.join(result) class state_class(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 # R0903: We don't need a lot of public methods '''A state class, used for iterating over the nodes in a treap''' def __init__(self, todo, node): self.todo = todo self.node = node def __repr__(self): return '%s %s' % (self.todo, self.node) dnl Arguments: dnl $1 is the name of the method dnl $2 is what the yield, including the yield keyword define(iterator_macro, def $1(self): '''A macro for iterators - produces keys/*,*/ values and items from almost the same code''' stack = [self.state_class('L', self.root)] while stack: state = stack.pop() if state.node is not None: if state.todo == 'V': # yield state.node.key $2 else: if state.node.right is not None: stack.append(self.state_class('R', state.node.right)) stack.append(self.state_class('V', state.node)) if state.node.left is not None: stack.append(self.state_class('L', state.node.left)) ) # These three things: keys, values, items; are a bit of a cheat. In Python 2, they're really supposed to return lists, # but we return iterators like python 3. A better implementation would check what version of python we're targetting, # give this behavior for python 3, and coerce the value returned to a list for python 2. iterator_macro(iterkeys,yield state.node.key) keys = iterator = __iter__ = iterkeys iterator_macro(itervalues,yield state.node.value) values = itervalues iterator_macro(iteritems,/*yield state.node.key, state.node.value*/) items = iteritems def reverse_iterator(self): '''Iterate over the nodes of the treap in reverse order''' stack = [self.state_class('L', self.root)] while stack: state = stack.pop() if state.node is not None: if state.todo == 'V': yield state.node.key else: if state.node.left is not None: stack.append(self.state_class('L', state.node.left)) stack.append(self.state_class('V', state.node)) if state.node.right is not None: stack.append(self.state_class('R', state.node.right))