go: random-input ./this-pylint --which-2 None --which-3 /usr/local/cpython-3.6/bin/pylint --to-pylint house-robber-problem /usr/local/cpython-3.6/bin/mypy --disallow-untyped-calls house-robber-problem # Actually, this one has more than one optimal solution. There are at least 2 solutions with value of 19.0. ./house-robber-problem --start-simple --generations 100 < known-input1 > actual-output1 diff actual-output1 expected-output1 || diff actual-output1 expected-output1-b ./house-robber-problem --start-simple --generations 100 < known-input2 > actual-output2 diff actual-output2 expected-output2 ./house-robber-problem --verbose --start-simple --generations 1000 --max-population-size 100 < random-input random-input: Makefile seq 1 100 | sort -R > random-input clean: rm -rf .mypy_cache rm -f random-input rm -f actual-output?