Hercules pixels aren't square. To get a nicer "aspect ratio", you'll probably want to stretch the x axis by 1.625, or to stretch the y axis by 1/1.625. If you happen to have something you're shrinking to fit the 720x348, you might want to consider that you'll end up with a pleasant aspect ratio, so long as the xscale-ing over the yscale-ing, yield 1.625. For instance, I've displayed a 290x583 gif, shrinking y, and shrinking x a bit less, just enough to fit, with very nearly minimal loss of precision, with the following filter: giftoppm < fred.gif | \ pnmscale -yscale 0.5969 -xscale 0.9699 | \ ppmtopgm | \ pgmtopbm | \ pbmonherc You can leave out the backslash & newlines, of course. I was just making it fit on one line. Enjoy. - Dan