export PS0="`tput smso`below cmd output started \D{%Y} \d \T \D{%p %Z}`tput rmso`\n" export PS1="\[`tput smso`\]above cmd output done \D{%Y} \d \T \D{%p %Z}\[`tput rmso`\]\n\[`tput smso`\]\u@\h:\w $MACHTYPE $PPID\[`tput rmso`\]\n\n\$ "Note that I recommend source'ing your ~/.bashrc from your ~/.bash_profile .
The idea behind $PS0 is to make post mortems nicer, because you have not just the finish time of commands, but also the start time. I use it in tandem with hcm (and indirectly pypty) to get tty/pty logs with good time data.
Prior to $PS0, you could use trap DEBUG.
The $PS0 patch is included in bash 4.4; it was released 2016-09-15.
Here's a page about operating system support of $PS0.
You can e-mail the author with questions or comments: