#!/usr/bin/env python

## You must be this tall to enjoy this ride #########################################################################################################################

import sys
import time
import random
import treap

# we define our own random function, because the treap module uses the random module, so just using a fixed seed doesn't give consistent results between
# dictionaries and treaps, because dictionaries don't need random values.  So this test uses its own random function
def my_random(n):
	# three largish consecutive primes.  No, I didn't check Knuth for how good these values are - we don't need cryptographic strength randomness this time
	a = 99999959L
	b = 99999971L
	c = 99999989L

	r = n
	while True:
		r = (r * a + b) % c
		yield r

def test(description, dict1, dict2, n):
	create_t0 = time.time()
	for counter, key, value in zip(xrange(n), my_random(n), my_random(n)):
		#print counter, key, value
		dict1[key] = value
	create_t1 = time.time()

	if n < 2**14:
		retrieve_t0 = time.time()
		for counter, key in zip(xrange(n), my_random(n)):
			if key in dict1:
				dummy = dict1[key]
		retrieve_t1 = time.time()
		retrieve_t0 = -1
		retrieve_t1 = -1

	sort_t0 = time.time()
	for counter, key, value in zip(xrange(n), my_random(n), my_random(n)):
		#print counter, key, value
		dict2[key] = value
		keys = list(dict2.keys())
		if description == 'dictionary':
	sort_t1 = time.time()

	return dict1, create_t1 - create_t0, retrieve_t1 - retrieve_t0, sort_t1 - sort_t0

def main():
	full_compare_top = 20

	print 'legend:'
	print '   cre: create (low is good)'
	print '   trp: treap'
	print '   {}: dictionary'
	print '   quo: quotient: dictionary time over treap time (low is good for dictionary, high is good for treap)'
	print '   rtr: retrieve (low is good)'
	print '   srt: srt (low is good)'

	for n in xrange(0, 20):
		power = pow(2, n)

		dictionary_result_collection, dictionary_create_duration, dictionary_retrieve_duration, dictionary_sort_duration = \
			test('dictionary', {}, {}, power)
		if n > full_compare_top:
			del dictionary_result_collection
		treap_result_collection, treap_create_duration, treap_retrieve_duration, treap_sort_duration                     = \
			test('treap', treap.treap(), treap.treap(), power)
		if n > full_compare_top:
			del treap_result_collection
			#print n
			#print 'dictionary_result_collection:', dictionary_result_collection
			dict_result = list(dictionary_result_collection.items())
			#print 'dict_result:', dict_result
			#print 'treap_result_collecion\n', treap_result_collection
			treap_result = list(treap_result_collection.items())
			#print 'treap_result:', treap_result
			# we really want zip_longest here.  On well, check the length
			if len(dict_result) != len(treap_result):
				sys.stderr.write('%s: lengths do not match: %d and %d\n' % (sys.argv[0], len(dict_result), len(treap_result)))
			paired_up = zip(dict_result, treap_result)
			for (d, t) in paired_up:
				#print d, t
				dict_key, dict_value = d
				treap_key, treap_value = t
				if dict_key != treap_key or dict_value != treap_value:
					print '((%d, %d), (%d, %d))' % (dict_key, dict_value, treap_key, treap_value)
					sys.stderr.write('%s: Hmmm, bad comparison\n' % sys.argv[0])
		# avoid division by 0
			create_quotient = '%4.2f' % (dictionary_create_duration / treap_create_duration)
		except ZeroDivisionError:
			create_quotient = '%4s' % 'Inf' 
		if dictionary_retrieve_duration == treap_retrieve_duration == -1:
			retrieve_quotient = 'Unk'
				retrieve_quotient = '%4.2f' % (dictionary_retrieve_duration / treap_retrieve_duration)
			except ZeroDivisionError:
				retrieve_quotient = '%4s' % 'Inf'
			sort_quotient = '%4.2f' % (dictionary_sort_duration / treap_sort_duration)
		except ZeroDivisionError:
			sort_quotient = '%4s' % 'Inf'
		print '%2d: {} cre: %7.4f, trp cre: %7.4f, cre quo: %s, {} rtr: %7.4f, trp rtr: %7.4f, rtr quo: %s, {} srt: %7.4f, trp srt: %7.4f, srt quo: %s' % \
			( \
				n, \
				dictionary_create_duration, treap_create_duration, create_quotient, \
				dictionary_retrieve_duration, treap_retrieve_duration, retrieve_quotient, \
				dictionary_sort_duration, treap_sort_duration, sort_quotient, \
