#!/usr/bin/env bash

# We exclude the various hierarchies via -prune because they are either pseudo-filesystems (EG /dev, /proc), for temporary data only (/tmp, /var/tmp),
# for removable media (/media), or for mounting disks temporarily (/mnt).

# We use -cmin +0 to select all stat()'able files.  Otherwise we get an error on ~/.gvfs, for example.

# We have this ROOT variable, so that one can specify where the sshfs is.  We have to exclude things by pathname rather than
# using -xdev, because sshfs makes all these filesystems look like one filesystem.

# To use (example):
#		ROOT=/mnt/sshfs ubuntu-all-files-over-sshfs | backshift --backup --save-directory /mnt/backshift/save-directory

set -eu

find \
	$ROOT \
	-path /dev -prune -o \
	-path /dev/shm -prune -o \
	-path /media -prune -o \
	-path /mnt -prune -o \
	-path /proc -prune -o \
	-path /sys -prune -o \
	-path /tmp -prune -o \
	-path /var/lock -prune -o \
	-path /var/run -prune -o \
	-path /var/tmp -prune -o \
	-cmin +0 \