#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Compare;

# scope for our class variable
	# this code tickles a lot of what appear to be bugs in use strict refs
	#no strict 'refs';
	# class variable
	our $prefix_length = 16;

	package lazy_file_comparator;

	sub new
		my $class = shift;
		my $filename = shift;
		if (@_)
			die "too many arguments to lazy_file_comparator->new";
		my $self =
			filename => $filename,
			device => undef,
			inode => undef,
			size => undef,
			prefix => undef,
			hash => undef
		# foo
		bless $self, $class;
		return $self;

	use overload ('<=>' => \&threeway_compare);
	sub threeway_compare
	#	my $ind = 0;
	#	foreach (@_)
	#		{
	#		printf "%d %d %s\n", $ind, length $_, $_;
	#		$ind++;
	#		}
		my $this = shift;
		#print $this;
		my $that = shift;
		#print $that;
#		my $inverted = shift;
#		print $inverted;
#		if (@_)
#			{
#			die "Too many arguments to threeway_compare";
#			print @_;
#			}
#		if ($inverted)
#			{
#			my $temp = $this;
#			$this = $that;
#			$that = $temp;
#			}
		unless (defined $this->{device})
			my @this_statbuf = stat $this->{filename};
			$this->{device} = $this_statbuf[0];
			$this->{inode} = $this_statbuf[1];
			$this->{size} = $this_statbuf[7];
		unless (defined $that->{device})
			my @that_statbuf = stat $that->{filename};
			$that->{device} = $that_statbuf[0];
			$that->{inode} = $that_statbuf[1];
			$that->{size} = $that_statbuf[7];
		# A file is supposed to be identical if the device and inode numbers are the same
		# Supposedly there's a webdav client that breaks this assumption though.
        # Cygwin too.
		if (($this->{device} == $that->{device}) and ($this->{inode} == $that->{inode}))
			return 0;
		my $size_result = $this->{size} <=> $that->{size};
		if ($size_result < 0)
			#print 'less on size';
			return -1;
		if ($size_result > 0)
			#print 'greater on size';
			return 1;
		unless (defined $this->{prefix})
			open this_file, $this->{filename} or die "can't open datafile: $!";
			binmode this_file;
			read this_file, $this->{prefix}, $prefix_length;
			close this_file;
		unless (defined $that->{prefix})
			open that_file, $that->{filename} or die "can't open datafile: $!";
			binmode that_file;
			read that_file, $that->{prefix}, $prefix_length;
			close that_file;
		my $prefix_result = $this->{prefix} cmp $that->{prefix};
		if ($prefix_result < 0)
#			print 'less on prefix';
			return -1;
		if ($prefix_result > 0)
#			print 'greater on prefix';
			return 1;
		unless (defined $this->{hash})
			my $this_ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
			my $this_md5_file;
			open $this_md5_file, $this->{filename} or die "can't open datafile: $!";
			$this->{hash} = $this_ctx->digest;
			close $this_md5_file;
		unless (defined $that->{hash})
			my $that_ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
			my $that_md5_file;
			open $that_md5_file, $that->{filename} or die "can't open datafile: $!";
			$that->{hash} = $that_ctx->digest;
			close $that_md5_file;
		my $hash_result = $this->{hash} cmp $that->{hash};
		if ($hash_result < 0)
#			print 'less on hash';
			return -1;
		if ($hash_result > 0)
#			print 'greater on hash';
			return 1;
		#print $this->{filename}, $that->{filename};
		my $full_compare_result = File::Compare::compare($this->{filename}, $that->{filename});
#		if ($full_compare_result == -1)
#			{
#			print 'less on full compare';
#			}
#		if ($full_compare_result == 1)
#			{
#			print 'greater on full compare';
#			}
#		if ($full_compare_result == 0)
#			{
#			print 'equal :)';
#			}
        # printf "returning full_compare_result %s", $full_compare_result;
		return $full_compare_result;

	use overload ('""' => \&stringify);
	sub stringify
		my $self = shift;
#		print 'stringifying';
		return $self->{filename};

package main;
#	my $f1 = lazy_file_comparator->new('/tmp/t');
#	my $f2 = lazy_file_comparator->new('/tmp/p');
#	print "hi\n";
#	printf "%d\n", ($f1 == $f2);
#	print "bye\n";
#	printf "%s\n", $f1;
#	printf "%s\n", $f2;
	my @unsorted;
	foreach (<STDIN>)
		push @unsorted, lazy_file_comparator->new($_);
	#print @unsorted;
	my @sorted = sort { lazy_file_comparator::threeway_compare($a, $b) } @unsorted;
	#print @sorted;
	if (@sorted)
		my $prior = $sorted[0];
		print $prior;
		my $ind;
		for ($ind=1; $ind<@sorted; $ind++)
#		foreach $ind ([1..@sorted])
            # print "(Comparing $ind $sorted[$ind] and $prior)";
			if ($sorted[$ind] == $prior)
                # printf "('if' %s == %s)", $sorted[$ind], $prior;
				printf " %s", $sorted[$ind];
                # printf "('else' %s != %s)", $sorted[$ind], $prior;
				printf "\n%s", $sorted[$ind];
            $prior = $sorted[$ind];
		printf "\n";