# %.o: %.hs # ghc -Wall -c "$<" -o "$@" TEST_SPLIT0_SRCS=test-Split0.hs Split0.hs TEST_MD5S_SRCS=test-Md5s.hs Md5s.hs STAT_SRCS=stat.hs STAT2_SRCS=stat2.hs JUST_SIZE_TUPLES_SRCS=just-size-tuples.hs Split0.hs DPH_SRCS=dph.hs Split0.hs EQUIVS3_SRCS=equivs3-haskell.hs Split0.hs Md5s.hs go: run-dph run-test-Md5s run-test-Split0 run-just-size-tuples run-equivs3-haskell #go: run-stat run-stat2 run-dph: dph printf '/etc/services\0/etc/protocols\0' | ./dph run-stat: stat ./stat run-stat2: stat2 ./stat2 run-test-Md5s: test-Md5s ./test-Md5s run-test-Split0: test-Split0 find inputs -type f -print0 | ./test-Split0 printf 'equivs3-haskell.hs\0Split0.hs' | ./test-Split0 run-just-size-tuples: just-size-tuples find inputs -type f -print0 | ./just-size-tuples run-equivs3-haskell: equivs3-haskell find inputs -type f -print0 | ./equivs3-haskell stat: $(STAT_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o stat $(STAT_SRCS) stat2: $(STAT2_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o stat2 $(STAT2_SRCS) test-Md5s: $(TEST_MD5S_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o test-Md5s $(TEST_MD5S_SRCS) dph: $(DPH_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o dph $(DPH_SRCS) test-Split0: $(TEST_SPLIT0_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o test-Split0 $(TEST_SPLIT0_SRCS) equivs3-haskell: $(EQUIVS3_SRCS) ctags-exuberant $(EQUIVS3_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o equivs3-haskell $(EQUIVS3_SRCS) just-size-tuples: $(JUST_SIZE_TUPLES_SRCS) # --make will go out and find what to build ghc -Wall --make -o just-size-tuples $(JUST_SIZE_TUPLES_SRCS) clean: rm -f *.o *.hi equivs3-haskell just-size-tuples test-Split0 stat stat2 test-Md5s tags