(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[dncp-ManyFaces(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Time] PW[dncp]WR[4k ] PB[ManyFaces]BR[8k*] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-08-04] SZ[19]TM[780]KM[0.5] HA[2]AB[pd][dp] ;W[pp];B[dd];W[qf];B[nd];W[pj];B[qn];W[qo];B[cj];W[lc];B[ic];W[nb] ;B[fc];W[fq];B[hq];W[fo];B[dn];W[ip];B[kb];W[le];B[iq];W[jp];B[pb];W[of] ;B[qd];W[re];B[rd];W[mf];B[gq];W[gp];B[kq];W[jq];B[jr];W[pn];B[kp];W[hp] ;B[np];W[oq];B[dq];W[fr];B[dg];W[ir];B[lr];W[hr];B[ej];W[nn];B[mq];W[mo] ;B[kn];W[lm];B[er];W[cc];B[cd];W[dc];B[bc];W[bb];B[bd];W[ec];B[ab];W[ed] ;B[fd];W[ee];B[cf];W[ff];B[fb];W[hf];B[mc];W[lb];B[ld];W[kd];B[hd];W[md] ;B[nc];W[ge]C[ dncp 4k : going to resign yet, MF? ManyFaces 8k*: Ask again when I am not thinking. dncp 4k : hello? are you there? ayt? ManyFaces 8k*: Hi. How are you? If I hang and don't move for a while you can adjourn then load to continue. If I hang you can try adjourn and load. dncp 4k : come on then ManyFaces 8k*: I run on both IGS and NNGS. Two games at once slows me down. ] ;B[ie];W[if];B[jb];W[qm];B[ne]C[ dncp 4k : your time is running short MF... ManyFaces 8k*: What can you tell me? ] ;W[nf];B[fh];W[hh];B[gg];W[gf];B[hg];W[ig];B[je];W[kf];B[fm];W[hm] ;) ---