(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[frakt-rimas(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[frakt]WR[4k*] PB[rimas]BR[9k*] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-07-30] SZ[19]TM[480]KM[0.5] HA[4]AB[pd][dp][dd][pp] C[ rimas 9k*: replay ] ;W[nq];B[kp];W[qq];B[pq];W[qp];B[qo]C[ frakt 4k*: this is what i messed up in last game frakt 4k*: R5 must be at Q5 frakt 4k*: i can cut Q5 now due to O3 frakt 4k*: though i am not sure if cut is now or after some other move frakt 4k*: i try it now ] ;W[po];B[oo];W[pn];B[pr];W[qr];B[np];W[ps];B[or];W[os];B[ns];W[qs];B[nr] ;W[qn]C[ frakt 4k*: so R5 is unreasonable and this result is good for w ] ;B[qj];W[nc];B[lc];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rc];B[me];W[cj];B[ch];W[dn] ;B[fp];W[ej];B[eh];W[db]C[ rimas 9k*: :-O frakt 4k*: its a new move for me rimas 9k*: did you read about it somewhere? ] ;B[dc]C[ frakt 4k*: not really, seen it several places...cannot tell u where ] ;W[eb];B[gc];W[cc];B[cd];W[bc];B[fc]C[ rimas 9k*: let me think a bit. f17 is bad rimas 9k*: go on frakt 4k*: u want undo? frakt 4k*: ok, i am thinking for a few mins too ] ;W[ih];B[hg];W[gp];B[gq];W[hq];B[fq];W[io];B[mi];W[qg];B[rd];W[pj];B[pi] ;W[qi];B[oi];W[ko];B[lo];W[ln];B[qk];W[sd];B[se];W[sc];B[re];W[mn];B[nl] ;W[lq];B[lp];W[jp];B[kq];W[jq]C[ frakt 4k*: my rating did not change ] ;B[cp];W[kr];B[lr];W[mq];B[jr];W[mp];B[ks];W[mo];B[kr];W[mr];B[ms];W[ir] ;B[on];W[om];B[nm];W[nn];B[pm];W[ol];B[qm];W[rn];B[ok];W[op];B[pl];W[no] ;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb]C[ frakt 4k*: a few mins of thought... ] ;W[pb];B[na];W[oa];B[mc];W[qa];B[cn];W[cm];B[go];W[jg];B[ie]C[ rimas 9k*: can we make a break for 5 mins? ] ;W[bh]C[ rimas 9k*: dogs wants to take a short walk frakt 4k*: ok frakt 4k*: can we make it 10 frakt 4k*: i will take shower frakt 4k*: rimas? frakt 4k*: ok. i am taking shower now... ] ;B[bg];W[ci];B[dh];W[je];B[jd];W[mg];B[ng];W[mh];B[gi];W[nh];B[oh];W[li] ;B[lj];W[og];B[nf];W[ni];B[oj];W[mj];B[ll];W[kj];B[kn];W[jo];B[jm];W[lk] ;B[en];W[bn];B[ij];W[bp];B[bq];W[co];B[fk];W[fj];B[gj];W[ek];B[fl];W[hn] ;B[hp];W[ha];B[hr];W[iq];B[hb];W[ga];B[fa];W[fb];B[gb];W[ia];B[ib];W[ja] ;B[kb];W[if];B[hf];W[gr];B[fr];W[hs];B[bd]C[ frakt 4k*: r u there? rimas 9k*: I am. just moved b16 rimas 9k*: do it yourself! :) ] ;W[ad]C[ rimas 9k*: click......click.....click... :) ] ;B[ac];W[ab];B[ae];W[ac];B[ba];W[ca];B[bb];W[ea]C[ rimas 9k*: I just wanted to ask for undo frakt 4k*: what is the diff? frakt 4k*: wasted ko threat only ] ;B[in];W[km];B[im];W[jn];B[ho];W[fs];B[es];W[gs];B[is];W[hr];B[rm];W[ro] ;B[ke];W[sm]C[ frakt 4k*: u have lost your mind ] ;B[sl];W[sn]C[ rimas 9k*: long ago ] ;B[rk]C[ frakt 4k*: endgame very bad ] ;W[be];B[af];W[bf];B[ce];W[cf];B[df];W[ag];B[er]C[ frakt 4k*: engame is about edges!!!! ] ;W[aq]C[ frakt 4k*: an atari in center is 2 pts!! rimas 9k*: I just got upset about bottom ] ;B[ar]C[ frakt 4k*: u had not lost after bottom frakt 4k*: it was close until endgame frakt 4k*: u always throw it away in the end ] ;W[ap]C[ rimas 9k*: I don't say that I thought I had lost after bottom rimas 9k*: I just got upset ] ;B[br]C[ rimas 9k*: because I know that I'm weak in endgame rimas 9k*: I always calculate that I loose a lot in endgame ] ;W[eo]C[ frakt 4k*: its true. its because u try for center stuff not edge stuff ] ;B[do];W[em];B[fn];W[fm];B[gm];W[el]C[ rimas 9k*: I want to resign now frakt 4k*: as u like. rimas 9k*: thank you for the game ] ;) ---