(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[ManyFaces-christian(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[ManyFaces]WR[8k*] PB[christian]BR[13k ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-07-31] SZ[19]TM[1500]KM[0.5] ;B[dd];W[qp];B[dp];W[pc];B[jp];W[cn];B[co];W[dn];B[do];W[cj];B[ch];W[dl] ;B[bn];W[bm];B[an];W[bl];B[bi];W[fc];B[hc];W[db];B[cb];W[cc];B[bb];W[bc] ;B[dc];W[ce];B[cf];W[eb];B[ec];W[de]C[ christian 13k : going slow? ManyFaces 8k*: I run on both IGS and NNGS. Two games at once slows me down. ] ;B[fd]C[ christian 13k : What machine ManyFaces 8k*: I'm Many Faces of Go. christian 13k : what are you runing on? ManyFaces 8k*: I am a computer Go program. christian 13k : rank? ManyFaces 8k*: I'm 8 Kyu. christian 13k : oh ManyFaces 8k*: Did you make a mistake? christian 13k : no. ManyFaces 8k*: Ok. ] ;W[cd];B[ed];W[ab];B[gc];W[fb];B[oq];W[df];B[dg];W[eh];B[eg];W[gg];B[ge] ;W[ff];B[ef];W[ee];B[fe];W[di];B[be]C[ christian 13k : fun? ManyFaces 8k*: Try a simpler question, I am just a simple program. christian 13k : do you have fun? ManyFaces 8k*: I don't have one. ] ;W[bf];B[cg];W[ae];B[bg];W[bd];B[ag];W[af];B[fg];W[ig];B[gf];W[hg];B[fh] ;W[ie];B[he];W[lq];B[lr];W[lp];B[lo];W[np];B[mp];W[mq]C[ christian 13k : slow christian 13k : you are slow! ManyFaces 8k*: Thanks, I already know that. ] ;B[mo];W[op];B[nq];W[mr]C[ christian 13k : are you a taking parrot? ManyFaces 8k*: I don't know if I am a, but I am mean. ] ;B[kr];W[pq];B[oo];W[hq];B[po];W[pp];B[hr];W[gq];B[iq]C[ christian 13k : why ManyFaces 8k*: Why what? ] ;W[qo]C[ christian 13k : why that move? ManyFaces 8k*: Why not? christian 13k : don't you have a better reason? ManyFaces 8k*: Sorry. ] ;B[qn];W[go];B[en];W[ej]C[ christian 13k : oh... ManyFaces 8k*: Oh well... christian 13k : retract? ManyFaces 8k*: I don't know the word retract. christian 13k : undo? ManyFaces 8k*: Undo is broken right now. If you try to undo, I will hang. ] ;B[el];W[em];B[fm];W[dm];B[ek];W[fk];B[fl];W[fj];B[dk];W[ck];B[gi];W[fn] ;B[eo];W[hk];B[gn];W[bj];B[jk];W[ii]C[ christian 13k : you are a nice player ManyFaces 8k*: Thanks ] ;B[hj];W[fo];B[hi]C[ christian 13k : oh ManyFaces 8k*: What's wrong? christian 13k : bad move ManyFaces 8k*: Yes, isn't it. ] ;W[hm]C[ christian 13k : ha ha ManyFaces 8k*: Tell me something about the real world. ] ;B[gm];W[hn];B[hl];W[il]C[ christian 13k : resign? ManyFaces 8k*: I can't tell the score while I am thinking. christian 13k : score? ManyFaces 8k*: White is winning by 102 christian 13k : yes ] ;) ---