(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[ydk-oran(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[ydk]WR[2d*] PB[oran]BR[3k ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-08-01] SZ[19]TM[600]KM[0.5] HA[4]AB[pd][dp][dd][pp] ;W[nq];B[oq];W[np];B[pn];W[fp];B[eq];W[fq];B[fr];W[gr];B[er];W[do] ;B[cp];W[co];B[eo];W[fo];B[en];W[bo];B[bp];W[cl];B[cm];W[bm];B[dm];W[bk] ;B[dl];W[ep];B[cr];W[dk];B[hm];W[ho];B[hq];W[hr];B[iq];W[gq];B[io];W[in] ;B[jo];W[hn];B[fn];W[kq];B[jn];W[im];B[hl];W[il];B[lq];W[lp];B[lr];W[kp] ;B[nr];W[kr];B[jr];W[ks];B[mn];W[nn];B[mo];W[no];B[kl];W[hk];B[ek];W[ej] ;B[dj];W[ck];B[fj];W[ei];B[gk];W[hj];B[fi];W[eh];B[cf];W[fh];B[gi]C[ Kaiman 9k*: white F8 and black is done? ] ;W[mm];B[mp];W[mq];B[ln];W[lm];B[km];W[mr];B[nm];W[ml];B[nl];W[mk];B[jk] ;W[ik];B[ji];W[ih];B[ii];W[hi];B[hh];W[gh];B[hg];W[ir];B[jq];W[js];B[is]C[ shanghai 5k*: i think so... w may not even need that move ] ;W[or];B[pr];W[ns];B[oj];W[mi]C[ Kaiman 9k*: yes - G6 is enough I think shanghai 5k*: look at w g7 for example ] ;B[jg];W[om];B[on]C[ shanghai 5k*: or g6, but i meant after b f8. ] ;W[ok]C[ Kaiman 9k*: I see ] ;B[ol]C[ shanghai 5k*: even f8 might not save b ] ;W[pl];B[pm];W[nk];B[om];W[pk]C[ Kaiman 9k*: oooh - snapback Kaiman 9k*: ; nice manouver shanghai 5k*: where? Kaiman 9k*: what a bad shape black has Kaiman 9k*: O9 ] ;B[jd];W[gj]C[ Kaiman 9k*: the whole sequence ] ;B[fl];W[gm]C[ shanghai 5k*: that's not a snapback... a snapback is when other player actually takes your stones :) Kaiman 9k*: yes - it was a threat ] ;B[gn];W[gl];B[go];W[hp]C[ shanghai 5k*: daveg si going Oh no, poor b... ] ;B[gp];W[hs];B[fm];W[fk];B[fs];W[ls]C[ shanghai 5k*: for a while now, so i guess b has had hopeless position for a whilE :) ] ;B[ef];W[pf];B[oe];W[of];B[ne];W[mg];B[lf];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[oc]C[ Kaiman 9k*: loks like my games ] ;W[ob];B[nb];W[nc];B[od];W[mb];B[pb];W[na]C[ shanghai 5k*: I know :) ] ;B[qb];W[re];B[qf];W[qe];B[qg];W[pe];B[ng];W[nf];B[mf]C[ Kaiman 9k*: what does that mean you know? :-)) ] ;W[nh]C[ shanghai 5k*: and b is suppposedly 3k -- better than me or vida! ] ;B[og];W[pg];B[oh];W[ph];B[oi];W[rc]C[ shanghai 5k*: i mean i thhink i've played ] ;B[rd];W[sd];B[rb];W[sc]C[ shanghai 5k*: you and... shanghai 5k*: i'm pretty sure i've seen you play ] ;B[sb];W[se];B[qh];W[pi];B[pj];W[qi]C[ Kaiman 9k*: dont take me too serious :-) shanghai 5k*: i don't think b is any stronger than you are ... anyway, back to work :) ] ;B[qj];W[rk];B[qk];W[ql];B[rj];W[me]C[ Kaiman 9k*: me too - cu ] ;B[rl];W[rm];B[sk];W[qm];B[ro];W[ri];B[lg];W[mh];B[mj];W[nj];B[lj];W[si] ;B[sj];W[sm]C[ Kaiman 9k*: poor black ] ;B[li];W[ni] ;) ---