(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[DanielH-sjfried(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[DanielH]WR[25k ] PB[sjfried]BR[30k ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-08-02] SZ[9]TM[300]KM[0.5] ;B[cf];W[gf];B[fd];W[cc];B[dc]C[ frakt 3k*: F6 4-4 pt, not good in 9x9 ] ;W[be];B[cd];W[bc];B[bd]C[ frakt 3k*: usually after attaching move (D7) its best to play next to stone (like C6) ] ;W[ad]C[ frakt 3k*: w gives up too much here ] ;B[ce]C[ frakt 3k*: b is in control of board now frakt 3k*: has strong position ] ;W[db]C[ frakt 3k*: E7 simplest move for b frakt 3k*: b must attack G4 stone ] ;B[eb];W[ec];B[bf]C[ frakt 3k*: oops frakt 3k*: b must D6 ] ;W[dd]C[ frakt 3k*: could have caputred corner that way ] ;B[ae]C[ frakt 3k*: this is bad for b frakt 3k*: whole game has changed ] ;W[eg]C[ frakt 3k*: w in control now ] ;B[ac];W[ab];B[fb];W[fc];B[gc];W[gd];B[hd];W[ge];B[gb];W[ee];B[df];W[ef] ;B[dg];W[dh];B[ch];W[di];B[ci];W[eh];B[hg];W[he];B[hc];W[ea];B[fa];W[da] ;B[gg];W[gi];B[ie];W[if];B[id];W[hf];B[fh]C[ DanielH 25k : would you like a comment? sjfried 30k : sure ] ;W[fi]C[ DanielH 25k : the big turning point was at d7 sjfried 30k : I'll have to think about that after... DanielH 25k : when you traded the single point at b5 DanielH 25k : and let me split you in half ] ;B[gh];W[ba];B[hi];W[ih];B[ig];W[ei]C[ sjfried 30k : yep ] ;B[ad];W[tt]C[ sjfried 30k : I've seen this corner position before. ] ;B[fg];W[tt]C[ sjfried 30k : actually, I'm dead here if you play f4 (or f3 before) sjfried 30k : I just wanted to see if that could happen. sjfried 30k : what happened? sjfried 30k : I know that your e1 group wasnt dead, but my f3 group is. sjfried 30k : do you see f4 to kill me? ] ;) ---