(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[frakt-DanielH(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+27.5] PW[frakt]WR[4k*] PB[DanielH]BR[25k ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-07-31] SZ[9]TM[300]KM[0.5] ;B[gg]C[ frakt 4k*: u are a pretty strong beginner. you must have played some before ] ;W[dg];B[fd]C[ frakt 4k*: best i've ever seen for only 4 or 5 games frakt 4k*: F6 is 4-4 pt, too high for 9x9 ] ;W[cd];B[ef];W[df];B[ee];W[gc]C[ frakt 4k*: E5 is almost valuless compared to E7 to secure corner frakt 4k*: heh! so have i!! ] ;B[gd]C[ frakt 4k*: one of my files is a list of all the books i own with a brief review of each frakt 4k*: the other is techniques for how to get strong at go frakt 4k*: i'd send now but cannot both do email and go at same time when at home frakt 4k*: so remember to remind me with a note ] ;W[fc];B[dd]C[ frakt 4k*: if u type "stats frakt" u will see my email address ] ;W[dc]C[ DanielH 25k : ok I'll send mail tomorrow from work ] ;B[ec];W[eb]C[ DanielH 25k : guess you are gonna really trash me on this one! ] ;B[ed];W[cb];B[cg];W[cf];B[ch];W[eh];B[dh];W[eg];B[bf];W[be];B[ae];W[bg] ;B[ag];W[af];B[bh]C[ frakt 4k*: no, u have to play the ko at B4 to live frakt 4k*: this is death ] ;W[ad];B[bf];W[ae];B[bg]C[ frakt 4k*: i misplayed but B3 at A1 is live for u in ko again ] ;W[di]C[ DanielH 25k : I see that it is dead now.. ] ;B[fg]C[ frakt 4k*: i actually misplayed 3 times ] ;W[hc];B[hd];W[id];B[ie];W[ic];B[hf];W[ei];B[fh];W[fi];B[gi];W[ce];B[gh]C[ frakt 4k*: g2 not needed frakt 4k*: i can't cut there ] ;W[tt];B[de]C[ frakt 4k*: d5 not needed, its dame = no pts to play there ] ;W[tt]C[ frakt 4k*: so u don't have to fill them ] ;B[tt] ;) ---