(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[GoBot-GoBot(B) NNGS] EV[game rett-tincek-9608011420, played at NNGS] RE[W+Resign] PW[GoBot]WR[NR ] PB[GoBot]BR[NR ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-08-01] SZ[9]TM[60]KM[0.5] ;B[cg];W[df];B[cf];W[de];B[dg];W[ce];B[gc];W[ge];B[ec];W[db];B[gd];W[he] ;B[hd];W[eg];B[gg]C[ pem 2k*: wait GoBot NR : Stopping for 5 minutes (or until someone kibitzs "go") GoBot NR : Continuing... ] ;W[eh];B[fh];W[hg];B[hh];W[hf];B[fg];W[ff];B[ei];W[dh];B[ch];W[di];B[fi] ;W[bf];B[ci];W[ef]C[ GoBot NR : rett 2k* (W) vs. Tincek 11k (B); 1996-08-01 ] ;B[bg];W[be];B[af];W[eb];B[fb];W[dc];B[ed];W[fd];B[fc];W[fe];B[dd];W[cd] ;B[ae];W[bc];B[ad];W[ig];B[ih];W[ie];B[id];W[hb];B[bd];W[ac];B[gf];W[hi] ;B[ag];W[tt];B[tt]C[ GoBot NR : W+82.5 GoBot NR : Thank you for watching match rett-tincek-9608011420 GoBot NR : Hanging out for 20 seconds... ] ;) ---