(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[rett-neilh(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[rett]WR[2k*] PB[neilh]BR[15k ] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-07-29] SZ[9]TM[300]KM[0.5] ;B[cg]C[ rett 2k*: yes , tonight, though usually its very good ] ;W[df];B[gc]C[ rett 2k*: sweden has a nice connection to the us ] ;W[dg];B[cf];W[ce];B[be];W[bd];B[cd];W[de];B[bc];W[bf];B[ad];W[bg];B[ch] ;W[bh];B[eh];W[dh];B[di];W[fg];B[gf];W[gg];B[hg];W[hh];B[hf];W[dc];B[dd] ;W[ed];B[cc];W[ec];B[ee];W[gd]C[ rett 2k*: good on this end ] ;B[hd];W[ge];B[he];W[ef] ;) ---