(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[OneEye-yachi(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[B+21.5] PW[OneEye]WR[11k*] PB[yachi]BR[8k*] PC[NNGS New York USA: ra.york.cuny.edu 9696] DT[1996-08-03] SZ[9]TM[600]KM[5.5] ;B[ee];W[gc];B[dg];W[gf]C[ OneEye 11k*: hmm, is this working? ] ;B[cc];W[ce]C[ yachi 8k*: i cannot understand what happened ] ;B[cf]C[ yachi 8k*: uum too strong yachi 8k*: i have a question, your @}---,---'---,--- is an flower ? OneEye 11k*: perhaps it dont like moves in between and starts again yachi 8k*: an -> a ] ;W[dd];B[fd];W[ec];B[fc];W[fb]C[ yachi 8k*: your @}---,---'---,--- is a flower ? OneEye 11k*: yes, a rose. you like it? ] ;B[gb];W[hb];B[eb];W[ga];B[db];W[fe]C[ yachi 8k*: oh, i thought it is sunflower OneEye 11k*: sunflowers are nice too ] ;B[ff];W[ge]C[ yachi 8k*: hahaha ] ;B[fg]C[ yachi 8k*: oops! mistake ] ;W[ed];B[hg];W[gg];B[gh];W[ef];B[eg];W[de];B[be];W[hf];B[hh];W[df];B[bf] ;W[ea];B[cd];W[da];B[dc];W[ca]C[ yachi 8k*: oops !!!!! yachi 8k*: you have to play e5 or g6 yachi 8k*: undo ? OneEye 11k*: oops :) I completely missed that OneEye 11k*: its ok... mistes should be punished ] ;B[ee]C[ yachi 8k*: sorry OneEye 11k*: why? I'm the one who made the istake :-) ] ;W[gd];B[bb];W[ba];B[ab];W[cb]C[ yachi 8k*: ? 8(): is a face ? ] ;B[if]C[ OneEye 11k*: no, frog. look sideways ] ;W[ie]C[ yachi 8k*: oh, i understand ] ;B[ig];W[fa];B[bc];W[tt];B[tt] ;) ---