go: hcm-icon.svg ./install-package --deb-packages inkscape --rpm-packages inkscape --brew-packages inkscape inkscape hcm-icon.svg linux-install: hcm-icon.svg ../install-file --file hcm-icon.svg --directory /usr/local/lib/. mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications # This doesn't work for Mate 1.18.0. # I'm hoping it will work for Cinnamon (tested, but it was coming up in an Other category)... # and perhaps Gnome and KDE will work (both untested). sed 's#^\(Exec=\).*$$#\1'"bash -c \"$$HOME/bin/hcm --gui\""'#' < hcm.desktop.in > hcm.desktop # The old way. # ../install-file --file hcm.desktop --directory ~/.local/share/applications/ # # The new way. I heard this works for Unity, and I'm hoping it'll work for others. # https://askubuntu.com/questions/375975/how-to-force-unity-reload-local-share-applications desktop-file-install --dir=${HOME}/.local/share/applications hcm.desktop darwin-install: hcm-icon.svg ../mactools/svg2icns hcm-icon.svg ../install-file --file hcm-icon.svg --directory /usr/local/lib/. hcm-icon.svg: hcm-icon.dot ./install-package --deb-packages graphviz --rpm-packages graphviz --brew-packages graphviz dot -Tsvg hcm-icon.dot > hcm-icon.svg dot -Tpng hcm-icon.dot > hcm-icon.png clean: rm -f hcm-icon.svg rm -f hcm-icon.png rm -f hcm.desktop rm -rf hcm-icon.ic*