This program is a GTP interface called pggo. GTP is a recent interface protocol for go AI programs. I've attempted to abstract it well enough that it could be used with other protocols as well someday. pggo was written by me, Dan Stromberg . The PeriodicExecutor is by Ville Vainio. I'm hoping an as-yet-unannounced collabator is going to contribute a beautiful, raytraced board for pggo at some point in the near future. (Still hoping. Jun 3, 2002) pggo can match human vs GTP, GTP vs human or GTP vs GTP. pggo has been tested with gnugo 3.8, gnugo 3.2, gnugo 3.0, gnugo 3.1.23 and gnugo 2.6 with the GTP patch. gnugo 2.6 (even with the GTP patch) requires the -W flag, because gnugo 2.6 does not support is_legal. The installation instructions are only slightly sketchy for Redhat 7.3 now, and nonexistent for MacOS X or MS-Windows, so I'm bumping the version number to 0.95. I'm currently finding pggo quite stable and usable. Please see the "INSTALL" file for information about installing the program. If you wish to contribute additions or errata to the installation instructions (or to any other part of pggo), they would be quite welcome. pggo has a gui mode which requires pygame and a threaded python interpreter, and a text mode which hopefully doesn't require pygame or threading (I've tested the text mode, but I haven't tested it on a system that doesn't have pygame). To get started with pggo you can (after installing) : 1) "./pggo" to see pggo play gnugo against itself. 2) If you're a beginner, I suggest next reading for some introductory material on how to play this extremely deep but very rewarding game. Then come back and try "./pggo -b human -h 4" to play a 9x9 as Black with a 4 stone handicap. As you progress, you can drop the -h to lower values, or move to larger boards (-h 4 is a bigger advantage on a 9x9 than on a 13x13 or 19x19. In general, as the board gets bigger, a handicap stone is worth less). 3) If you're pretty good at go, I suggest "./pggo -w human -h 9 -B 19" to play a 19x19 as White with a 9 stone handicap. 4) Above all, have fun! ^_^