go: ./this-pylint --which-2 none --to-pylint full-data ./full-data graphs: plot.gp numbers gnuplot plot.gp summary: ./full-data > t.html; links -dump -width 132 t.html plot.gp: gen-gp ./gen-gp > plot.gp numbers: py_treap.py splay_mod.py red_black_dict_mod.py scapegoat_mod.py binary_tree_dict_mod.py # This one was giving incorrect results. Maybe that's the author's fault, maybe it's mine. #./this-pylint --to-pylint two_three_tree_mod.py ./this-pylint --to-pylint py_treap.py # We get this in the subdir #./this-pylint --to-pylint red_black_dict_mod.py ./this-pylint --ignore-message '.*Too many lines in module.*' --to-pylint avl_tree_mod.py ./this-pylint --ignore-message '.*\.insert: Arguments number differs from overridden method.*' --to-pylint btree_mod.py # /usr/local/cpython-2.7/bin/python ./tester /usr/local/cpython-3.3/bin/python3 ./tester /usr/local/pypy-2.2/bin/pypy ./tester /usr/local/jython-2.7b1/bin/jython -J-Xmx$$(echo '7.5*1024' | bc | sed 's/\..*$$//')m ./tester # touch numbers binary_tree_dict_mod.py: binary-tree-mod/binary_tree_dict_mod.m4 (set -eu; cd binary-tree-mod; make; cp binary_tree_dict_mod.py ..) scapegoat_mod.py: scapegoat-tree/scapegoat_mod.m4 (set -eu; cd scapegoat-tree; make; cp scapegoat_mod.py ..) #m4 scapegoat-tree/scapegoat_mod.m4 > scapegoat_mod.py red_black_dict_mod.py: red-black-tree-mod/red_black_tree_mod.m4 (set -eu; cd red-black-tree-mod; make; cp red_black_dict_mod.py ..) splay_mod.py: splay_mod.m4 m4 splay_mod.m4 > splay_mod.py py_treap.py: m4_treap.m4 m4 -Dm4uniq=True m4_treap.m4 > py_treap.py clean: rm -rf *.pyc splay_mod.py py_treap.py *\$$py.class __pycache__ *.pdf *.dat plot.gp red_black_dict_mod.py scapegoat_mod.py binary_tree_dict_mod.py cd red-black-tree-mod; make clean cd scapegoat-tree; make clean cd binary-tree-mod; make clean rm -f numbers rm -f t.html