set key left top # set terminal pdf color enhanced set terminal svg size 1366,700 dynamic set output "graph.svg" set xlabel "Number of threads (1 to number of cores + 1)" set ylabel "Time in seconds" #set logscale x #set logscale y set style line 1 lt rgb "red" lw 1 set style line 2 lt rgb "orange" lw 1 set style line 3 lt rgb "green" lw 1 set style line 4 lt rgb "blue" lw 1 set style line 5 lt rgb "purple" lw 1 set style line 6 lt rgb "violet" lw 1 set style line 7 lt rgb "#8B0000" lw 1 # darkred set style line 8 lt rgb "#FF8C00" lw 1 # darkorange set style line 9 lt rgb "#00008B" lw 1 # darkblue set style line 10 lt rgb "black" lw 1 plot \ 'cpython-3.9.0.dat' with linespoints ls 1, \ 'micropython-1.15.0.dat' with linespoints ls 2, \ 'nuitka-0.6.15.dat' with linespoints ls 3, \ 'pypy-7.3.3.dat' with linespoints ls 4