#set terminal x11 set key left top set terminal pdf color enhanced set output "graph.pdf" set xlabel "Number of elements" set ylabel "Time in seconds" #set logscale x #set logscale y # http://www.uni-hamburg.de/Wiss/FB/15/Sustainability/schneider/gnuplot/colors.htm set style line 1 lt rgb "red" lw 1 set style line 2 lt rgb "orange" lw 1 set style line 3 lt rgb "green" lw 1 set style line 4 lt rgb "blue" lw 1 set style line 5 lt rgb "purple" lw 1 set style line 6 lt rgb "violet" lw 1 set style line 7 lt rgb "#8B0000" lw 1 # darkred set style line 8 lt rgb "#FF8C00" lw 1 # darkorange set style line 9 lt rgb "#00008B" lw 1 # darkblue set style line 10 lt rgb "black" lw 1 #plot \ # 'slow_bubblesort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 1, \ # 'slow_insertionsort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 2, \ # 'slow_binarysort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 3, \ # 'slow_shellsort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 4, \ # 'slow_quicksort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 5, \ # 'slow_stable_quicksort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 6, \ # 'slow_funnelsort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 7, \ # 'slow_mergesort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 8, \ # 'slow_timsort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 9, \ # 'slow_timsort_cext.dat' with linespoints ls 10 # 'brief_stable_quicksort_cython.dat' with linespoints ls 6, \ plot \ 'brief_bubblesort.dat' with linespoints ls 1, \ 'brief_insertionsort.dat' with linespoints ls 2, \ 'brief_binarysort.dat' with linespoints ls 3, \ 'brief_shellsort.dat' with linespoints ls 4, \ 'brief_quicksort.dat' with linespoints ls 5, \ 'brief_funnelsort.dat' with linespoints ls 6, \ 'brief_mergesort.dat' with linespoints ls 7, \ 'brief_timsort.dat' with linespoints ls 8, \ 'brief_timsort_cext.dat' with linespoints ls 9, \ 'brief_radixsort.dat' with linespoints ls 10, \ 'brief_cheat_O(n).dat' with linespoints ls 11 #pause -1 "Hit return to continue"