LoadL_admin file

# this LoadL_admin file is automatically generated from head.input, awk'ing
# /etc/passwd, and tail.input.  Please edit one of these, rather than editing
# LoadL_admin directly.  Thanks.

# LoadL_admin file: Remove comments and edit this file to suit your installation.
# This file consists of machine, class, user, group and adapter stanzas. 
# Each stanza has defaults, as specified in a "defaults:" section.
# Default stanzas are used to set specifications for fields which are
# not specified.
# Class, user, group, and adapter stanzas are optional.  Refer to 
# Using and Administering LoadLeveler for  detailed information about 
# keywords and associated values.  Also see LoadL_admin.1 in the 
# ~loadl/samples directory for sample stanzas.
# Remove initial # (comment), and edit to suit.
default:	type = machine
#		central_manager = false	 # default not central manager
#		schedd_host = false	 # default not a public scheduler
#		submit_only = false	 # default not a submit-only machine
#		speed = 1		 # default machine speed
#		cpu_speed_scale = false  # scale cpu limits by speed
#		resources = ConsumableCpus(4) licenseA(1)

default:	type = class		 # default class stanza
#		priority = 0		 # default ClassSysprio
#		max_processors = -1	 # default max processors for class (no
					 # limit)
 		wall_clock_limit = 30:00 # default wall clock limit
#		default_resources = ConsumableCpus(2) FloatingLicenseX(1)

default:	type = user		 # default user stanza
#		priority = 0		 # default UserSysprio
		default_class = No_Class # default class = No_Class (not
					 # optional)
		default_group = No_Group # default group = No_Group (not
					 # optional)
#		maxjobs = -1		 # default maximum jobs user is allowed
					 # to run simultaneously (no limit)
#		maxqueued = -1		 # default maximum jobs user is allowed
					 # on system queue (no limit).  does not
					 # limit jobs submitted.
                #default for interactive class.
                default_interactive_class = inter_class

default:	type = group		 # default group stanza
#		priority = 0		 # default GroupSysprio
#		maxjobs = -1		 # default maximum jobs group is allowed
					 # to run simultaneously (no limit)
#		maxqueued = -1		 # default maximum jobs group is allowed
					 # on system queue (no limit).  does not
					 # limit jobs submitted.

# users who are not in ESS
HPC:		type = group
		Include_Users = rbenz jialunl ghong lgerhard jsfernan jducote sjenks svadlama sfide hkeer jfreites eakay promicro emanalo tlwin jmorgan1

# These are the machine stanzas; the first machine is defined as
# the central manager.  mach1:, mach2:, etc. are machine name labels -
# revise these placeholder labels with the names of the machines in the
# pool, and specify any schedd_host and submit_only keywords and values
# (true or false), if required.
esmf04m:	type = machine		central_manager = true 
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf04s_css esmf04m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(4)
esmf01m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf01s_css esmf01m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
esmf02m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf02s_css esmf02m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
esmf03m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf03s_css esmf03m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
#		cpu_speed_scale = true
#		speed = 10
esmf05m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf05s_css esmf05m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
#               adapter_stanzas = k10n01_en0 k10n01_css
#               machine_mode = interactive
#		resources = ConsumableCpus(2) licenseA(2) licenseB(3)
esmf06m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf06s_css esmf06m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
#               adapter_stanzas = k10n05_en0 k10n05_css
#               pool_list = 5 10 15 
#               spacct_excluse_enable = True
#               machine_mode = batch
#		resources = ConsumableCpus(8) licenseB(3)
#		max_smp_tasks = 8
esmf07m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf07s_css esmf07m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(8)
#		resources = ConsumableCpus(all) licenseB(2)
#		max_smp_tasks = 4
esmf08m:	type = machine
		schedd_host = true
		adapter_stanzas = esmf08s_css esmf08m_en0
		resources = ConsumableCpus(32)
#		submit_only = true
# mach8:	type = machine
#		submit_only = true
# etc:		type = machine

# ADAPTER STANZAS: (optional)
# These are sample adapter stanzas; 
# revise labels and attributes for the adapters on your machines.

#llextSDR: System Partition = "esmfcws" on Mon Dec 22 14:44:30 2003

esmf01s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf01s
	switch_node_number = 4
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf01m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf01m

esmf02s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf02s
	switch_node_number = 5
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf02m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf02m

esmf03s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf03s
	switch_node_number = 0
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf03m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf03m

esmf04s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf04s
	switch_node_number = 2
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf04m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf04m

esmf05s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf05s
	switch_node_number = 1
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf05m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf05m

esmf06s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf06s
	switch_node_number = 3
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf06m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf06m

esmf07s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf07s
	switch_node_number = 6
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf07m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf07m

esmf08s_css: type = adapter
	adapter_name = css0
	network_type = switch
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf08s
	switch_node_number = 7
	css_type = SP_Switch2_PCI_Attachment_Adapter

esmf08m_en0: type = adapter
	adapter_name = en0
	network_type = ethernet
	interface_address =
	interface_name = esmf08m

#k10n01_css:     type = adapter
#                interface_name = k10sn01
#                adapter_name = css0
#                network_type = switch
#                switch_node_number = 0
#                interface_address =
#                css_type = SP_Switch2_Adapter
#k10n05_en0:     type = adapter
#                interface_name = k10n05
#                adapter_name = en0
#                network_type = ethernet
#k10n05_css:     type = adapter
#                interface_name = k10sn05
#                adapter_name = css0
#                network_type = switch
#                switch_node_number = 4
#                interface_address =
#                css_type = SP_Switch2_Adapter

# CLASS STANZAS: (optional)
# These are sample class stanzas; small, medium, large, and nqs are sample
# labels for job classes - revise these labels and specify attributes
# to each class.
#small:		type = class		 # class for small jobs
##		priority = 100		 # ClassSysprio
##		include_users=<userlist> # only these users can submit jobs of
##					   this class
##		exclude_users=<userlist> # only these cannot submit
##		include_groups=<grouplist>
##		exclude_groups=<grouplist>
##		admin = <userlist>
##		nice = <nice value>
##	cpu_limit = 00:15:00	 # 15 minute run time limit
#		cpu_limit = 00:15:00,00:14:00	 # 15 minute run time limit
#                wall_clock_limit = 00:45:00,00:42:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
#		max_processors = -1	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
##		data_limit = <size>
##		core_limit = <size>
##		file_limit = <size>
##		stack_limit = <size>
##		rss_limit = <size>
##		max_total_tasks = 100
#medium:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
##		priority = 60		 # ClassSysprio
##		cpu_limit= 02:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
#		cpu_limit= 02:00:00,01:55:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
#                wall_clock_limit = 06:00:00,04:45:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
#		max_processors = -1	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
##		max_total_tasks = 50
#large:		type = class		 # class for large jobs
##		priority = 20		 # ClassSysprio
##		cpu_limit = 24:00:00	 # 24 hour run time limit
#		cpu_limit = 24:00:00,23:30:00	 # 24 hour run time limit
#                wall_clock_limit = 72:00:00,70:30:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
#		max_processors = -1	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
##		nice = -10		 # Set nice value 
##		max_total_tasks = 30
##verylong:       type = class
##                class_comment = "verylong queue"
##                nice = 19
##                priority = 0
##                cpu_limit = 3000:00:00
##                job_cpu_limit = 3100:00:00
#parallel:       type = class
#                class_comment = "restricted access"
#                include_users = tbel ghtc3 hrrcr bjac3 japost roethl
#                priority = 0
#                cpu_limit = unlimited
#                job_cpu_limit = unlimited
#                wall_clock_limit = 30:00,25:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
#                total_tasks = 2
#                max_nodes = 2
#nqs:		type = class		 # class for nqs jobs
#		NQS_class = true	 # will be routed to NQS
#		NQS_submit = nqs_pipe_q_name	# name of pipe queue
#		NQS_query = q_name1@host1 q_name2@host2 ... # names of queues

#com_rg1 undefined undefined 0 8 Regular
#queue: Single-threaded (non-parallel) jobs

inter_class:    type = class             # class for interactive jobs
                wall_clock_limit = 08:30:00,08:25:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		class_comment = "Interactive for IBM benchmarks- 8.5 hrs wall clock limit"
		max_processors = -1	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
                include_users    = zender ibmsptst strombrg lopez

all_spec:	type             = class
		class_comment = "Restricted queue, All ESMF CPUs"
		priority         = 500           # highest priority class
#               5 day wall clock time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 519300,518400
                include_users    = zender ibmsptst strombrg lopez
		max_processors = 8
		max_total_tasks = 52

com_rg4:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		class_comment = "Regular interactive test, Up to four CPUs, 10-minute limit"
		priority = 60		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 00:10:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 4	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 4

com_rg8:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		class_comment = "Regular queue, Up to six 8-way nodes"
		priority = 60		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 8	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 52
		Exclude_Groups = HPC

com_jkm8:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		class_comment = "Restricted queue, Two eight way nodes"
		priority = 80		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 16	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 16
                include_users    = jkmoore strombrg lopez ibmsptst zender
		max_node = 2

com_rg1:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		class_comment = "Regular queue, Single-threaded (non-parallel) jobs"
		priority = 80		 	# ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
		wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 8	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 2048
		#include_users    = mflanner strombrg lopez zender ibmsptst jyyu
		Exclude_Groups = HPC

com_sb1:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		priority = 80		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
		wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 8	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 2048
		class_comment = "Standby queue, Single-threaded (non-parallel) jobs"

com_rg32:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		priority = 60		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 32:00:00	 # 32 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 1	 
		max_total_tasks = 32
		Exclude_Groups = HPC
		class_comment = "Regular queue, One 32-way node"

com_sb8:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		priority = 10		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 08:00:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 8	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 52
		class_comment = "Standby queue, Up to six 8-way nodes"

com_sb4:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		priority = 10		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 00:10:00	 # 2 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 00:10:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 4	 # default max processors for class (no limit)
		max_total_tasks = 4
		class_comment = "Standby interactive test, Up to four CPUs, 10-minute limit"

com_sb32:	type = class		 # class for medium jobs
		priority = 10		 # ClassSysprio
#		cpu_limit= 32:00:00	 # 32 hour run time limit
                wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00   # Needed for BACKFILL scheduler
		max_processors = 1	 
		max_total_tasks = 32
		class_comment = "Standby, One 32-way node"

# GROUP STANZAS: (optional)
# These are sample group stanzas; group1, group2 are sample labels
# for groups - revise these labels and specify attributes to each group.
#group1:	type = group
#		priority = 80
#		maxjobs = 40
#		maxqueued = 80
#		admin = user1 user2
#		max_processors = 8
#		total_tasks = 2
#		max_nodes = 2
#		max_total_tasks = 40
#group2:	type = group
#		priority = 50
#		maxjobs = 20
#		maxqueued = 40
#		max_total_tasks = 80
# USER STANZAS: (optional, default user stanza not optional)
# These are sample user stanzas; user1, user2, user3 are sample labels
# for users - revise these labels and specify attributes to each user.
ibmsptst:	type = user
#		priority = 80
#		default_class = small
#		default_group = group1
#		maxjobs = 20
#		maxqueued = 40
#		max_total_tasks = 40
# user2:	type = user
#		priority = 50
#		default_class = medium long verylong
#		default_group = Unix_Group
#		maxjobs = 10
#		maxqueued = 20
#		max_total_tasks = 40
# user3:	type = user
#		priority = 10
#		maxjobs = 5
#		maxqueued = 10
#		max_total_tasks = 20
#		total_tasks = 2
#	max_nodes = 2