Changes in how we admin it:
SMF instead of rc?.d/* and inittab and inetd.conf and tcp wrappers (lots of stuff on SMF in the URL above)
Sun wants us using /etc/system less and less. For example, in Solaris 10, it's supposed to be possible to run a big database (I assume this means like Oracle or Sybase) without tweaking /etc/system
FMA subsystem is supposed to be able to map all errors to a corrective action
/var/svc/log/milestone-multi-user-server:default.log appears to have a lot of useful boot-time messages saved for later
What's included now that wasn't before:
libSQliteWhat's done:
mozilla (the fonts are very good, comes with java preconfigured in the browser)
evolution (very nice mail program)
Tomcat (Web services framework?)
webmin (may not have been tested that well by Sun! EG, using webmin for sendmail configuration required tweaking)
GNU egrep as "gegrep" and ggrep
flex/bison (compiler writing tools)
gphoto2 (for digital cameras)
gthumb (image viewer)
gtkam (for digital cameras)
ncftp (fancy ftp client)
planner (project management)
psnup (rearrange postscript into n-pages per page)
totem (movie player)
wget (retrieve url's)
sendmail configuration for mail clientsWhat's partially done:
Remote printers
Verified that a full install of Solaris 10 includes a version of python
Verified that NIS client support works
Gnome keystroke entry problem fixed
The equivalent of "tcp wrappers" enabled for all relevant SMF services (except rpcbind)
NTP configuration via native executables (still uses config file from dcslib)
"top" program seems fine
"nfswatch" program seems fine
Fixed /etc/hosts misconfig
rzip ported
sshd: generate keys during install
sshd: turned off IPv6 that was interfering with X11 forwarding
Verified that automount dcslib is working
Modified installation OS to work off of subnet 34
smpatch investigation, as a means of patching systems, a bit like yum or up2date. So far, it appears to be exceptionally slow
NFSv4 investigation
What's not done:
Print servers
Verify that ident is working
Verify that lsof is working, and/or compare with pfiles
Check if df-local needs to be updated to work correctly in non-global zones
/dcs/bin/man may be pretty broken
Does memconf work? Or can we get what we need from prtconf and/or prtdiag?
Study ipnodes
Look over new DynFS
Study up on svc.startd
Fix check-mx
Check on scsi* programs
Is libtool broken on Solaris 10?
Study ipfilter
Does inclusion of libSQlite mean that some Sun software uses that instead of ndbm now? EG, are some NIS limits lifted?
Verify if a subset install of Solaris 10 does not include python
Verify if NIS server support works
Enabled "tcp wrappers"-like functionality for rpcbind
What I'm gathering others may be working on:
sendmail configuration for mail hubs - Tri tells me he's going to do this
It'd be nifty to have these in dcslib:
firefoxTripwire - John's looking into it
openoffice (despite staroffice inclusion)
A modern version of RealVNC or at least TightVNC
You can e-mail the author with questions or comments: