'''Manage a list of hardlinks for a given backup; Also provides classes for hardlink restores.'''
# This is pretty good at dealing with 1,000,000,000 files, only 1,000 of which are hardlinks; this is
# probably the most common scenario for a backup program.
# It's also good at dealing with 1,000 distinct files, of which there are 1,000,000,000 each.
# It's not so good at dealing with 1,000,000,000 distinct files, each hardlinked to something else, for
# a total of 2,000,000,000 files.
import os
import collections
import dirops_mod
import bloom_filter_mod
[docs]def one():
A simple function that returns one, so our defaultdict can default to 1
return 1
[docs]class Save_device(object):
# pylint: disable=R0903
# R0903: We don't need a lot of public methods
'''Class to hold data related to a particular "device" on save - in unix/linux filesystems, this means a filesystem'''
expected_size = None
def __init__(self, deviceno):
self.deviceno = deviceno
# This "bloom filter" will always correctly return True for something in the set, and will almost always
# correctly return False for something not in the set. It can infrequently return True for something
# not in the set - so we maintain counts and deal with them later - but only for things that the filter
# said was duplicated. In this way, our inode_count defaultdict doesn't balloon up with a huge number
# of 1's; the bloom filter is far smaller than that.
self.bloom_filter = bloom_filter_mod.Bloom_filter(ideal_num_elements_n=Save_device.expected_size, error_rate_p=0.01)
# This defaultdict defaults to one, because we only put things in it there are already in the
# bloom filter (set).
self.inode_count = collections.defaultdict(one)
def __iadd__(self, inodeno):
'''Add an inode number to the list'''
if inodeno in self.bloom_filter:
self.inode_count[inodeno] += 1
self.bloom_filter += inodeno
return self
[docs] def write(self, file_):
'''Write the list of duplicate inodes for this device'''
for inodeno in self.inode_count:
if self.inode_count[inodeno] > 1:
file_.write('%d %d\n' % (inodeno, self.inode_count[inodeno]))
[docs]class Save_hardlinks(object):
# pylint: disable=R0903
# R0903: We don't need a lot of public methods
'''Create a collection of duplicate inodes within the devices (filesystems) in which they appear'''
backup_id = None
def __init__(self, backup_id, expected_size):
if Save_hardlinks.backup_id is None:
Save_hardlinks.backup_id = backup_id
if Save_hardlinks.backup_id != backup_id:
raise ValueError('Save_hardlinks.backup_id: %s, backup_id: %s' % (Save_hardlinks.backup_id, backup_id))
self.device_dict = {}
Save_device.expected_size = expected_size
def __iadd__(self, tuple_):
'''Add a device number and inode number to the collection'''
deviceno, inodeno = tuple_
if not inodeno:
# If inodeno is 0, we're probably on Windows, where inode numbers are always 0.
# We should not treat a filesystem full of inode #0 as being 100% hardlinks.
# So return without saving anything.
# Note that, on a given machine, we could have one filesystem that inode numbers, and another that does not.
return self
if deviceno not in self.device_dict:
self.device_dict[deviceno] = Save_device(deviceno)
self.device_dict[deviceno] += inodeno
return self
[docs] def close(self):
'''Write the device # and inode # data we've collected'''
directory = os.path.join('hardlinks', Save_hardlinks.backup_id)
for deviceno in self.device_dict:
filename = os.path.join(directory, str(deviceno))
file_ = open(filename, 'w')
[docs]class Restore_inode(object):
'''Class to hold inode data'''
def __init__(self, inodeno, ideal_count):
self._ideal_count = ideal_count
self._actual_count = 0
self._inodeno = inodeno
self._filename = None
[docs] def get_filename(self):
'''Return the single filename associated with the first occurrence of this device+inode pair'''
self._actual_count += 1
return self._filename
[docs] def set_filename(self, filename):
'''Associate a single filename with the first occurrence of this device+inode pair'''
self._filename = filename
[docs]class Restore_hardlinks(object):
# pylint: disable=R0903
# R0903: We don't need a lot of public methods
'''A class for dealing with restoration of hardlinks'''
backup_id = None
def __init__(self, backup_id):
if Restore_hardlinks.backup_id is None:
Restore_hardlinks.backup_id = backup_id
raise ValueError('Restore_hardlinks: %s, backup_id: %s' % (Restore_hardlinks.backup_id, backup_id))
self.device_dict = {}
# Slurp in the hardlink-related data we created during the backup
hardlinks_path = os.path.join('hardlinks', Restore_hardlinks.backup_id)
for deviceno_string in os.listdir(hardlinks_path):
deviceno = int(os.path.basename(deviceno_string))
deviceno_path = os.path.join(hardlinks_path, deviceno_string)
self.device_dict[deviceno] = {}
file_ = open(deviceno_path, 'r')
for line in file_:
fields = line.split()
inodeno = int(fields[0])
count = int(fields[1])
assert not fields[2:]
self.device_dict[deviceno][inodeno] = Restore_inode(inodeno, count)
[docs] def prior_file_for_hardlink(self, deviceno, inodeno, filename):
If this isn't a hardlinked file (in the backup), return None.
If this is a hardlinked file, but it's the first time we've encountered the inode, save the filename and return None.
If this is a hardlinked file, and we've seen the inode number previously, return the filename to which we should hardlink.
if deviceno not in self.device_dict:
self.device_dict[deviceno] = {}
if inodeno in self.device_dict[deviceno]:
prior_filename = self.device_dict[deviceno][inodeno].get_filename()
if prior_filename:
assert prior_filename is not None
return prior_filename
# This isn't a hardlink, because this is the first time we've encountered this inode number during
# this restore. However, a subsequent use of the inode number may be.
return None
# This isn't a hardlink, because the inode number isn't even in our table
return None