Here's a picture: picture of gquiz.

Here's a link to the source.

The current version is 1.03. GQuiz requires GTK+ 3.x to compile.

GQuiz's usable now. It's quite generic; all you need is a directory with a bunch of files, one file per (problem,answer) pair, and a program that will display the problem and answer. GQuiz just randomizes the order of the questions, eliminates consecutive repetitions (except for the last question), and keeps track of which ones you've gotten right "enough" times to eliminate (temporarily) from the collection, allowing you to focus on the ones you're finding more difficult and ones you haven't seen yet.

The rest of this web page is about go problems, the subject I originally wrote gquiz to drill on. There is nothing go-specific about gquiz however. To people not interested in go, this is merely an example of how to use gquiz.

I currently use gquiz with problems in five different groups:

  1. There are the 30 problems Jan Van Der Steen made available , which came to him through a Japanese advertisement. To the best of my knowledge these are freely redistributable - here they are in a format conveniently usable with gquiz+cgoban 1.x. The problems are in SGF format.
  2. I also use gquiz with these problems. You can get them in a format usable with gquiz+dillo (most fast-starting browsers will work fine; galeon might be another alternative) here. These are a little less convenient to use, but the collection is pretty nice.
  3. There are also the problems I've typed in from books. These are all in SGF format, and semisadly, I can't give these away because they comprise copyrighted collections. I display these problems using gquiz+cgoban 1.x; this works out pretty well.
  4. And I use gquiz with these problems. These too are copyrighted, but they're really good, and they load up quickly.
  5. dajava's I haven't tried these, but they look promising

If someone types in some free problem collection(s) (perhaps some of these), I'll happily put them up for ftp in conjunction with gquiz - but be sure to check with the problem authors before assuming the problems can be used for anything but private use.

Dan Stromberg

Hits: 1581
Timestamp: 2024-09-11 20:47:57 PDT

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