This page covers many different aspects of "VNC", which is comprised of the RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol, and software implementing same. The emphasis is on Unix, Linux and Palm implementations, but there are small bits about microsoft windows as well.

This page was majorly overhauled Sun Dec 5 PST 2004.
Fri Jan 14 20:42:50 PST 2005: Added a VNC viewer written in python.
Thu Dec 23 17:21:58 PST 2004: Added (more) information about building TightVNC on AIX 5.1.
Wed Jan 12 15:35:37 PST 2005: Added a set of patches for making a development version of TightVNC build on Fedora Core 3.

  • Table of contents:

  • Introductory articles on VNC

  • Unix/Linux VNC implementations
  • PalmOS VNC implementations
  • Java VNC implementations
  • Lists of Implementations
  • VNC FAQ lists
  • Tunneling VNC to make it more secure
  • Addons for VNC beyond the usual clients and servers
  • Choosing a VNC version
  • RFB protocol documentation
  • Building TightVNC
  • VNC patches

  • Hits: 13470
    Timestamp: 2024-07-26 19:54:53 PDT

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