Example usage:
./zip-center 92612 92677 92656 got 92612 / lat: 33.66 / lon: -117.83 / CA / IRVINE / ORANGE got 92677 / lat: 33.52 / lon: -117.71 / CA / LAGUNA NIGUEL / ORANGE got 92656 / lat: 33.57 / lon: -117.71 / CA / ALISO VIEJO / ORANGE result is 92698 / lat: 33.61 / lon: -117.74 / CA / ALISO VIEJO / ORANGE 92612: about 6.0 miles from 92698 as the crow flies 92677: about 6.3 miles from 92698 as the crow flies 92656: about 3.2 miles from 92698 as the crow flies
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