Note: This web page was automatically created from a PalmOS "pedit32" memo.

2005-09-19 dynamic systems presentation, new sun stuff

nas gateway

n1000 - ssl offload?

Sept 2005 of sol 9 avail now
ultrasparc 4 and maybe some opterons need it

sol 10 update available to: same date, but "hw2"

staroffice going to vers 8 soon, not downloadable yet

ultrasparc 4+
dual core (cmt), basically ultrasparc 3's
reduced l2 cache, segmented or shared, added an l3 cache
4 way associative
l2 on chip now, and at full chip speed rather than half chip speed
not pusuing ghz that much
around 3x ultrasparc 3
around 2x ultrasparc 4

x2100 not in house?
4100 in house
4200 in house

old: v20z, v40z
20 replaced, 40 not

hypertransport channels facilitate comm to other cpu's and memory

intel: 2 ok, 4 drops off quickly

david m: ddr 2?  Presenter: no, but not needed

crossbar switch

david: l3 cache on opteron?  Presenter: haven't heard, not a large l2 cache

hp supports larger memory with opteron than sun, presenter: mem slower
with large size, possibly less stable

sun uses registerred dimms (ecc), except 2100.  

chip kill: can mark off part of one dimm

opteron might want sol 10 for best opteron support

sun announced they are supporting windows

andrew: numa?  Sun drifting toward numa, but coming from smp

vmware, working to certify more opteron systems for vmware

x4100, 4200
4200 has more disk slots, more pci slots

x4100 2 opteron, 8 dimm slots
ipmi 2.0: remote kvm
hot swap drives (not sure about 2100)
2.5" sata drives, not common 3.5" drives
good cooling
36 and 73G drives - little

up to 2 200 series opterons
8 dimms

10000 rpm drives

Save up to 50% on power vs intel

hot swappable fans
drives sata or sas
"typically when you have a sas controller, you can use sata or sas drives"
pci-x slots

x4100, x4200 memory:
cpu to hypertransport to pci-x (i/o)

sun installation assistant, easy, choose disk, gige drivers for you

david m: windows wants drivers from floppy drive?

Ilom: kvms (storage)
ipmi: intelligent ... Management ...
Browser based cli?
Rkvms: (remote), enabled in bios by default
boot over a net connection, access storage remotely

american megatrends

java rconsole, in over browser ssl connection

4100 and 4200 have ipmi 2.0

galaxy done discussion

1 low end cross between opteron and amd64
w gige
sata drives optional dvd again
desktop chipset
system processor available, not included
more basic
turn on and off
kvm but not quite as close to being there

all 3 can do channel bonding, given suitable software.  Presenter:
sun can, not sure about linux

sata not supported on galaxy, is supported in aquarius.  franklin:
More capacity and cheaper

ipmi 1.5
4 unbuffered ecc dimm

presenter: wouldn't try 11 megabit usb, instead put drive on net

relative to dell: david
sun owns support on these
dells xeons: david: even low end is 64 bit

aquarius cheaper than $1000

grid rack system:
solaris or linux
sun has a website that asks needs, specs something for you

sun n1 system manager
about $300
management system config'd to discover computers
do upgrades, inc firmware on opteron
"do it once with web gui, then script it out to the rest of your servers"
cpu temp

management server will run on sol 10, redhat.  Can monitor sol, redhat, suse

(n1?) comes with galaxies, not sure about aquarius - check intros

v20 and v40's not designed by sun, not available much longer


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