It doesn't test two strings to see if they are anagrams of each other; it accepts a word or phrase, and generates all the anagrams it can see for that word or phrase.
It also makes no effort to find anagrams that make sense - all possible word lists are output, irrespective of grammar or meaning.
Here's some example output:
$ ./anagrams ska ask
$ ./anagrams the eyes eh ye set eh es yet eh se yet eh ty see eh set ye eh yet se eh yet es eh see ty ty eh see ty he see ty see eh ty see he ye es the ye eh set ye se the ye he set ye set eh ye set he ye the se ye the es ye these ye sheet ye thees se he yet se ye the se eh yet se the ye se yet eh se yet he es he yet es ye the es eh yet es the ye es yet eh es yet he he ye set he es yet he se yet he ty see he set ye he yet se he yet es he see ty the ye se the ye es the es ye the se ye the eyes set ye eh set ye he set eh ye set he ye eye seth hey tees see he ty see eh ty see ty eh see ty he see they yes thee yet es eh yet es he yet eh se yet eh es yet se eh yet se he yet he se yet he es eyes the thee yes seth eye they see tees hey these ye thees ye sheet ye
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