Note: This web page was automatically created from a PalmOS "pedit32" memo.

bpgetfile workaround

Sometimes Solaris installs get stuck on bpgetfile, particularly when
installed on subnets other than 128.200.34.

(Or more generally, making Solaris autoinstalls work off subnet)

This memo details a series of workarounds that've been used successfully.

The files to be concerned with are, for example: Solaris-9-08-2003/auto_install/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/usr/sbin/install.d/profind Solaris-9-08-2003/auto_install/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/etc/rcS Solaris-9-08-2003/auto_install/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/sbin/rcS Solaris-9-08-2003/auto_install/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/sbin/sysidfind The two rcS files are linked (or at least identical?), but he profind and sysidfind files are unique.
In profind, in the bootparams shell function, you'll want a line like: set -- `/sbin/bpgetfile -retries 3 install_config`
In rcS, in the bootparams_find_and_mount_cdrom function, you'll want a line like: set -- `/sbin/bpgetfile -r 3 root` that first one, make sure to add the "root" to it - that's the default keyword, but if you give an IP without the keyword, it's going to use the IP as the keyword instead of root. :-S ...and another like so, again in rcS: set -- `/sbin/bpgetfile -r 3 install`
In sysidfind, in the bootparams_sysid_config function, you'll want a line like: set -- `/sbin/bpgetfile -retries 3 sysid_config`
Also, there may be a snippet of code like this in ../sbin/rcS: # get the server's netmask if [ -x /sbin/get_netmask ]; then netmask=`/sbin/get_netmask $SERVER_IPADDR 2>/dev/null` if [ -n "$netmask" ]; then /sbin/ifconfig -a netmask 0x${netmask} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi ...comment it out! It tries to make things better, but instead make them worse. :)
Hopefully that's all you'll require. :)

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