This software is owned by The university of California, Irvine,
and is not distributed under
any version of the GPL. GPL is a fine series of licenses, but the owners of the software need it to be distributed under these terms.
convert-database is a simple python
script to convert a database from one format to another. It could also
be used to rebuild a database of the same format, if you're encountering
datbase errors.
Usage is like:
Usage: ./convert-database -i input_database -o output_database -t
Input database format is automatically detected
-t must specify dbhash, gdbm, dbm, dumbdbm or anydbm
dbhash is part of the Berkely DB library
gdbm is the GNU database format
dbm is the traditional *ix ndbm format
dumbdbm is a fallback, safe but slow format
anydbm will pick a database format for you
Hits: 5165
Timestamp: 2025-03-14 14:20:55 PDT
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