URL gives lots of interesting examples of what can be done with dtrace: http://users.tpg.com.au/adsln4yb/dtrace.html dtrace can examine things both in kernel space and in user space. dtrace comes with a scripting language "D", not to be confused with the "D programming language". dtrace is not able to bring down a system (ostensibly), unlike the Linux Trace Tookit, and IBM's Dynamic Probes. Another related technology - redhat specific? kprobes http://info.redhat.com/a/tBCNywGAUfRoFAV1iZ2AK59txCp/redh20 Advanced dtrace: http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/bmc/dtrace_tips.pdf The dtrace pid provider: http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/ahl/img0.html