Despite this, I've found I'm able to use the following small script
to get mostly-decent DVD playback on this lowend laptop. It'll
assume you want to use sdl without hardware acceleration if you
have a $DISPLAY (if you're in your X server), or svgalib if you're
on a virtual console without X:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
#mplayer -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all -framedrop -vo x11 -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename" > /dev/null >>&1
# this one's pretty decent, but it loses a lot of frames
# when a lot is changing
#mplayer -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts fast:skiploopfilter=all -vo x11 -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# blue window
#mplayer -vo sdl -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# blue window
#mplayer -vo sdl:forcexv -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# this plays something, but it's boggy
#mplayer -vo sdl:nohwaccel -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# No output
#mplayer -vo dga -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# blue window
#mplayer -vo xv -zoom "1" -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
# error
#mplayer -vo opengl -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"
if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]
mplayer -framedrop -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts fast:skiploopfilter=all -vo $video -cache 16384 -cache-min 25 -ao alsa "$filename"