./verify [-s n] dir1 dir2 ...dirm ./verify will compare every nth file in directories dir1, dir2 through dirm using md5 hashes. n defaults to 1000 m can be as high as you want (limited by VM), and a meaningful comparision will require at least 2 directories. If you just want to see if you can read every nth file, then a dirlist of length 1 is sort of useful. To see if you are getting consistent data from a directory hiearchy, list the same dirmore than once. Only files in the first directory hierarchy (dir1) are sought in the 2..mth directories
Wed Nov 17: Added a -p flag that makes verify ignore file owner, group and permissions. Only the file size is compared, and if the lengths are equal, then an md5 is computed and compared.
Note: Because verify uses md5, it is not well-suited to checking files for cryptographic purposes, but should be reasonable for other forms of data integrity checks.
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