
Over 40 Go Tournament

The final stage of the first and second editions of the "Over 40" hayago tournament (open to go players 40 years or older) were held on 2015-01-25 and 2015-11-07, respectively. Winners were Cho Sonjin and O Rissei.

Allotted time: For the preliminaries: 10s/move, plus 3 times 1 min. For the final match 30s/move, plus 10 times 1 min. Komi is 6.5.

date black white result #mv sgf
2015-01-25 Kato Atsushi Cho Sonjin W+R 132 sgf
2015-01-25 Mimura Tomoyasu Aoki Shinichi W+6.5 289 sgf
2015-01-25 Aoki Shinichi Cho Sonjin W+0.5 235 sgf
2015-11-07 O Meien Oya Koichi B+R 155 sgf
2015-11-07 O Rissei Nakaonoda Tomomi B+R 195 sgf
2015-11-07 O Meien O Rissei W+R 248 sgf

The tournament is sponsored by Kono Motomi, who played a 3-stone handicap game with the winner.

date black white HA result #mv sgf
2015-01-25 Kono Motomi Cho Sonjin 3 B+6 211 sgf
2015-11-07 Kono Motomi O Rissei 3 W+12 234 sgf