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43rd Honinbo title

Preliminary finals

date black white result #mv sgf
1987-08-27 Otake Hideo Ishida Yoshio B+R 189 sgf
1987-09-03 Hane Yasumasa Takagi Shoichi W+1.5 236 sgf
1987-09-03 Kato Masao Fujisawa Shuko B+R 165 sgf
1987-09-03 Ohira Shuzo Sato Sunao W+R 256 sgf


In the first column the white player, on the top row the black player.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Yamashiro Hiroshi 4-3 W+R B+R B+R B+R
2. Cho Chikun 2-5 B+R B+R W+R
3. Rin Kaiho 3-4 B+0.5 B+R B+R W+0.5
4. Kobayashi Koichi 5-2 B+7.5 W+0.5 W+R
5. Kato Masao 4-3 B+4.5 W+6.5 B+R W+5.5
6. Otake Hideo 6-1 W+2.5 B+R W+R
7. Sato Sunao 0-7 B+1.5 B+R B+R B+R
8. Takagi Shoichi 4-3 W+R W+0.5 B+R

Demotion Playoff

The bottom four players are demoted: Sato Sunao, Cho Chikun, Rin Kaiho and one more. Kato Masao and Takagi Shoichi played a demotion playoff lost by Takagi Shoichi.

date black white result #mv sgf
1988-05-02 Kato Masao Takagi Shoichi B+5.5 277 sgf

43rd Honinbo Title

date black white result #mv sgf
1988-05-10,11 Takemiya Masaki Otake Hideo W+R 176 sgf
1988-05-26,27 Otake Hideo Takemiya Masaki W+R 130 sgf
1988-06-08,09 Takemiya Masaki Otake Hideo B+4.5 221 sgf
1988-06-16,17 Otake Hideo Takemiya Masaki B+6.5 240 sgf
1988-06-29,30 Takemiya Masaki Otake Hideo B+R 161 sgf
1988-07-06,07 Otake Hideo Takemiya Masaki B+R 163 sgf
1988-07-20,21 or 22 Takemiya Masaki Otake Hideo B+R 189 sgf

Takemiya Masaki won with 4-3.